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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Source inversion analysis and estimation of characterized source parameters for the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

背  景
2008年岩手・宮城内陸地震(M7.2)では、震源近傍の複数の観測点で1,000 galを超える大加速度地震動が記録された。震源近傍の設計用入力地震動評価の高度化においては、こうした大加速度の記録に対し、各地点の地盤応答特性に加えて共通因子としての震源特性の影響を明らかにすることが重要である。そのためには対象地震の特性化震源パラメータを推定し、過去の被害地震データから構築された震源スケーリング則との比較検証を行うことが、一つの有力な手段となる。

目  的

1. インバージョン解析による2008年岩手・宮城内陸地震の震源モデル推定
2. 特性化震源パラメータの同定と既往地震との比較
推定された震源モデルからSMGA(強震動生成域)を抽出し、特性化震源パラメータを同定した。その結果、加速度地震動に影響するSMGAの応力降下量として15から25 MPaが得られた。また比較のため西傾斜単独の断層面モデルを想定し、同様の手順で特性化震源パラメータを同定した結果、震源スペクトルの短周期レベルはいずれの断層面モデルでも地震モーメントに対する既往のスケーリング則と調和的となった。
3. 震源近傍の大加速度に対する震源特性の寄与


概要 (英文)

Slip and effective stress distributions of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake are estimated by the source inversion analysis using an empirical Green's function. Since the precisely relocated aftershock distribution and geodetic deformation data suggest a complicated source rupture process such as conjugated fault motions, we firstly assume both conjugated and simple west-dipping fault plane models. Estimated slip distribution on the conjugated fault planes displays that about 60 % of the seismic moment is released from the northern west-dipping fault plane. Large slip concentrates the south region from the hypocenter on this fault, and coseismic surface deformation area coincides well with the shallow asperity estimated in this study. Similar slip distribution is obtained from the west-dipping fault plane model.
The characterized source model is constructed based on the sip distribution model estimated by the inversion procedure, and important parameters such as stress drop, rise time, and rupture velocity on the strong motion generation area (SMGA) are searched by evaluating the broadband strong ground motion in the frequency range up to 10 Hz recorded near the source region. Characterized source parameters optimized by using the simulated annealing show the moderate amplitude level of the short-period seismic motion generation compared with the scaling relationship presented in the previous studies.
Although the source process does not show either the remarkably high stress drop or the large short-period spectral level, very large accelerations are observed at several stations on and near the source region. The shallowness of the SMGAs on the main-shock fault plane might be the important factor for such large accelerations. Indeed, the seismic moment is released mainly at the depth of 5 to 7 km during the mainshock. Furthermore, the relation between the equivalent hypocentral distance calculated from the characterized source model and peak ground acceleration is consistent well with the previously proposed attenuation curve except for a few stations, where the detailed research for the site amplification effect should be carried out.







芝 良昭

原子力リスク研究センター 自然外部事象研究チーム


2008年岩手・宮城内陸地震 The 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake
震源過程 Source process
インバージョン解析 Inversion analysis
特性化震源モデル Characterized source model
強震動 Strong motion
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry