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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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The Relations between the New Electricity Regulatory Body and the Japan Fair Trade Commission: Lessons from Competition Law Enforcement by the UK Sector Regulators

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

英国の電気事業規制官庁(Ofgem: Office of Gas & Electricity Markets(=ガス電力市場局))の競争法権限、特に競争当局(CMA:Competition & Market Authority(=競争市場庁))との重複をめぐる議論を整理・検討し、主要な論点として以下を明らかにした。

概要 (英文)

This report explores the recent developments of the competition law enforcement by the UK sector regulators, with an emphasis on the energy regulator (Ofgem). The UK's competition law enforcement in regulated sectors is called as concurrent because its regulators can enforce the law in their respective markets, concurrently with the Competition & Market Authority (CMA). We have examined the UK's concurrent competition law enforcement. Major findings are as follows. First, while the concurrent regime has a set of benefits such as the use of sector-specific expertise in applying competition law, it also has a host of shortcomings such as the regulators' frequent use of sector regulation and non-use of competition law. Therefore, we need a comprehensive evaluation to conclude whether the concurrent regime has been truly successful. Second, the sector regulators and the CMA have a set of rules to avoid a double jeopardy, or the dual application of competition law by both of the two. Third, the UK's regulators utilize both sector regulation and competition law in a complementary way, with a statutory obligation that, in cases both powers are applicable, sector regulators must prioritize the use of the former. Based on the UK experience, we proposed, inter alia, that Japan's new regulator and the Fair Trade Commission have closer dialogue than ever in light of the future complication of competition. We also claimed that the new regulator's oversight should not cover conducts that have been under the Anti-Monopoly scrutiny, such as predatory pricing.







佐藤 佳邦

社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域


新規制組織 The New Electricity Regulator
競争当局 Competition Authorities
独占禁止法 The Anti-Monopoly Act
重畳的制度 Concurrent Regime
英国 The United Kingdom
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry