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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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47都道府県多地域産業連関表の開発 -内部・外部乗数による都道府県間生産誘発構造の分析-


Development of Multi-regional Input Output Table for 47 Prefectures in Japan

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Since 1999, CREIPI has developed and published two Interregional Input-Output tables for the year 1990 and 1995. The regional division of these tables is based on the electric power supply regions. These tables can be used to analyze changes in regional economies in a consistent way, so that several electric power companies utilized these tables to estimate the electricity demand induced by the changes in sectoral outputs within their regions. However, the regional partition of these tables is an aggregate of some prefectures. Accordingly, the users cannot identify the difference in output propagation effect induced by, for example, large scale factory location choice among different prefectures within a region. In order to analyze these effects more accurately, we need the table with more precise regional partition.

Every prefecture has published its own Intraregional Input-Output table without the inter-connection to other prefectures. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) has also published the 9-Region Multi-regional Input-Output table in 2000(METI-MRIO). We estimate sectoral and inter-prefectural transaction using the commodity transfer statistics published by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MLIT) and the estimated gravity model based on METI-MRIO. We then connect each prefecture's Input-Output table together with the adjustment using the previously estimated inter-prefectural transaction data and finally obtain a coherent 47-Prefecture Multi-regional Input-Output table.

Compilation of our table reveals the following characteristics of the prefectural economies. First, the prefectural output multipliers representing the induced output per unit increase in the final demand are varied from 1.1 in Tokushima to 6.5 in Tokyo. Second, the reason underlying this variation is the difference in the feedback through the inter-prefectural transaction, not the intra-prefectural transaction. Third, Tokyo, Osaka and Aichi are prefectures with the highest level of inter-prefectural feedback. However, inter-prefectural trade patterns of Tokyo and Aichi are spreading throughout Japan, while trade pattern of Osaka is relatively limited within a Kansai and Sanin (Tottori and Shimane) areas. These findings cannot be obtained from the published table of METI or from the previous version of CREIPI tables.







人見 和美

社会経済研究所 地域研究領域


社会経済研究所 地域研究領域


多地域産業連関表 Multiregional Input Output Table
地域経済 Regional Economy
地域間分析 Interregional Analysis
産業構造 Regional Industrial Structure
内部乗数・外部乗数 Internal and External Multipliers
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry